
**September 13, 2013**

On June 14th, 2013, I received "The Gift Of Life". My son, Michael Posner, donated his kidney to me. It was the bravest and most honorable thing a son could do for his father. The surgery took place at the Piedmont Transplant Center in Atlanta, and while there were some complications, they turned out fine. Mike was out of the hospital in 3 days and I remained for 5 days. We both recuperated at my home, and 7 weeks post transplant, we are both doing fine. The transplant staff was incredible! Modern medicine can be truly incredible, and at times it seems like it can only be a miracle. There are presently more than 100,000 people in the USA awaiting a transplant, and I urge anyone who can donate an organ to do so, as either a 'living donor", or upon your demise. It will make a world of difference for the organ recipient and it will give you the feeling of having just saved a life. Transplants are truly "The Gift Of Life".

Thank you all for your concerns and kind words. There has been quite a development as of lately. My son Michael has stepped up to the plate to donate a kidney to me. Words cannot express how I feel. He is giving me the gift of life. Surgery is scheduled for June 14th. We will keep all of you posted on this site. Thanks for all of your prayers and support.


Dear Family and Friends;
After nearly 20 years of declining kidney function I am now at a point where I need a kidney transplant. Sally and I have begun the lengthy and complicated process of seeking a living donor. I have been evaluated at kidney transplantation centers in Atlanta, GA and in Nashville, TN and I am now officially on a national waiting list for a “deceased donor kidney”. This is a kidney that would be harvested from a deceased donor. The wait could be 5 to 6 years, as there are presently about 93,000 patients in the USA awaiting a kidney donation. We have learned that 1 in 500 people are born with one kidney, and only one kidney is necessary for a full and healthy life.
The transplant programs have encouraged us to seek a “living donor”, which is a person willing to give up one of their kidneys for me. A “living donor kidney” is expected to last twice as long as a “deceased donor kidney”, with less rejection complications of the tissue. The process involves evaluation and testing, at no cost to the donor, as well as the surgery to remove the donated kidney. A potential donor is given a very thorough examination, both physically and mentally, and they cannot have any history of kidney disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, or certain other conditions. Estimated recovery time from donor surgery is about 2-4 weeks. Their age must be between 18 and 70. Once a potential donor steps forward, they would begin the testing process with a simple blood test. If a match is found, then further evaluation takes place. Hopefully this will occur before I have to go on dialysis, which is a very real possibility at this point. If you, or any one you know may be interested in finding out more about donating a kidney, please contact us, or have them contact the transplant coordinators at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta (Barbara O’Neal, Donor Coordinator, 404-605-4128), or at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville (1-866-748-1491, option #3, or www. vanderbilttransplantcenter.com). They can provide the potential donor with all of the details.
Kidney transplantation has become a fairly common procedure. I hope to receive a kidney donation before I have to go on dialysis. Your kind thoughts, wishes and prayers are appreciated more than you could ever know. Thank you all for your continued support.


